
In addition to the information I share on this blog I also offer these services. Everything right now is personally done by me and I guarantee to deliver results with bar raising efficiency.

  • Interview prep coaching
    Will provide advice over discord/skype to help prepare you for interview. Provide mock interview with a technical coding challenge and expose to you the same feedback I would leave with the interview committee along with areas for improvement to get the best offer possible.
  • Design review and consultation
    Are you working on a project for your business or school that you’d like to consult about. Maybe you are debating on ways to model your data, how your data will flow through the system, ways you will be able to monitor the state of your service, and how to prepare for scale over the next several years. I will read through your project plans and provide my consideration on how to leverage modern patterns and cloud platforms to achieve your desired results given my expertise. Just send me a high level concept and I’ll let you know if I can help before moving too far.
  • Web page creation
    I am experienced in creating word press sites, static S3 pages, and web applications using the Angular framework with Node/Flask/or C# backends. If I can help you with this let me know.
  • Python/ C#/ Javascript Coding Coaching
    Do you have a final project using one of these languages that you can’t get working quite right or would like to receive a professional code review on or need someone you’d like to pair program leet coder or hacker rank problems with? Reach out to me.
  • Full Service Python Engineering
    Are you a project manager looking for someone to help deliver a full fledged professional quality python module with extensive documentation and testing to solve your business problem? I can also help with this.

For any of the above services reach out to me from the contact form with a summary of what you’d need help with and I’ll reply with an initial solution and my estimates.