Functional Vs. Object-Oriented Programming in Python

If you have spent time in online tech forums, there is a chance you have experienced an ongoing debate about the relative merits of object-oriented programming and functional programming, including how they differ and the better choice. Most people have been asking whether they should program in an object-oriented programming style or move to functional … More Functional Vs. Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Creating a Python Web Application using Python Flask Part 3: Adding Angular to our web app

<< Part 2 Welcome back to my building a module web application with python flask series. Last time we saw how to have flask serve our static assets and this time we will bring in the javascript. If you haven’t done so all ready remember to follow the blog and share this post to show … More Creating a Python Web Application using Python Flask Part 3: Adding Angular to our web app

Learn Data Structures Simply: What they are and why we need them

Written by: Stefan Bradstreet Data structures are tools within a programming language that a software developer can use to organize their data. This allows the developer and the program to store and retrieve data in a way depending on the developers goals. If a program will need to save and retrieve data often then a … More Learn Data Structures Simply: What they are and why we need them

10 tips to be a successful programmer

With the rapid rise of technology and labor automation occurring in the workplace the need for programmers will only continue to increase as work transitions from manual tasks to writing code for robots, service line sensors for predictive maintenance, artificial intelligence systems, machine learning algorithms for big data, and other emerging technologies. Even in non-coding … More 10 tips to be a successful programmer

Storing data in memory using variables in Python

Imagine you’ve just started your journey in the coding world and don’t quite understand what all these “Hello World” programs are actually doing. At some point in time this was EVERYONE so no need to feel alone or embarrassed. In this article I’ll go into deeper detail over what a Python program is doing when … More Storing data in memory using variables in Python